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Frequently asked questions

How is this platform different from others?
HIRE helps employers hire employees with the help of trusted recruiters on a qualitatively new level. Ethics, reliability, and professionalism are the pillars of the platform.
Why do you need verification?
To support the Big Idea of the HIRE ecosystem. We believe in a win-win partnership between a professional recruiter, a reliable employer and an expert candidate, so we strive to get to know our users personally.
Payment terms and conditions
You have 30 days from the date of the candidate's start to make the payment. We accept non-cash payments for Ukrainian legal entities, SWIFT for foreign companies.
Does the recruiter only search for a candidate or does he/she conduct an initial interview to determine whether the candidate's experience is relevant to the job requirements?
The recruiter conducts an initial interview and prepares a cover letter on the relevance of the candidate's experience as a mandatory requirement for working with the platform.
Who should notify about the successful hiring and when?
You, as an employer, are obliged to notify about the hiring on the day of signing the offer or verbal agreement with the candidate.
What happens if a candidate does not show up for work or is fired a week after starting work? After three months?
We have a one-month probationary period. If the candidate does not come to work or works for less than a month, we will cancel the hiring bonus.
What happens if the candidate is already in our database? Do we have to pay?
Yes. The only exception is if we receive confirmation that you have communicated with the candidate prior to the moment of contact on the HIRE platform (but not earlier than 30 days).
How long is a "recommendation" valid for? HIRE's 'RECOMMENDATION' IS VALID FOR HOW LONG? What if we hired the candidate a year after the contact?
You pay a HIRE bonus if the candidate is hired within 6 months of your last contact. The amount of the bonus is fixed at the time of the first contact, so you are insured against the situation if the candidate later decides to reconsider his salary expectations."
What is a hire bonus? How do I get it?
A khairik is a small achievement. We don't have the usual rating in the form of a star rating. Only real merits form the image of everyone. Collect a collection of highs, follow the instructions, get gifts, and achieve the highest rating with us. Your reputation is in your hands.
Can I consider a 'recommended' candidate for other vacancies that have not been published on the HIRE platform?
Yes, but you still pay the HIRE bonus according to the terms of cooperation with the platform.
How is this platform different from others?
HIRE helps employers hire employees with the help of trusted recruiters on a qualitatively new level. Ethics, reliability, and professionalism are the pillars of the platform.
Why do you need verification?
To support the Big Idea of the HIRE ecosystem. We believe in a win-win partnership between a professional recruiter, a reliable employer and an expert candidate, so we strive to get to know our users personally.
Terms and conditions of payment
The employer makes payment 30 days after the date of the candidate's departure, payment to the recruiter is made within 10 calendar days from the date of crediting the funds to the HIRE account.
Do I have to be a sole proprietor to work with the platform?
Yes, this is a requirement. We work for transparency of every process on our platform.
Who and when should report a successful hire?
The employer must report the hire on the day of signing the offer or verbal agreement with the candidate. If the recruiter receives information about the fact of hiring that is not indicated by the employer in the HIRE system, the recruiter should contact technical support and report it.
What happens if a candidate does not show up for work or is fired a week after starting work? After three months?
We have a one-month probationary period. If the candidate does not come to work or works for less than a month, we cancel the recruitment bonus.
How long is a "recommendation" valid for? HIRE? What happens if the employer hires the candidate after a certain time after the contact?
The candidate is assigned to the recruiter by the company for a period of 6 months. The employer pays the HIRE bonus if the candidate is hired within 6 months of your last contact.
Will I get a bonus if the candidate was already in the employer's database?
The only exception is if we receive confirmation that the employer communicated with the candidate before the contact on the HIRE platform, but not earlier than 30 days before.
What is a headhunter? How do I get it?
A high score is a small achievement. We don't have the usual rating in the form of a star rating. Only real merits form the image of everyone. Collect a collection of highs, follow the instructions, get gifts, and achieve the highest rating with us. Your reputation is in your hands.
Can I see candidates who have registered on the platform themselves?
No, our service is confidential for candidates.
How is this platform different from others?
HIRE helps employers hire employees with the help of trusted recruiters on a qualitatively new level. Ethics, reliability, and professionalism are the pillars of the platform.
Why do you need verification?
To support the Big Idea of the HIRE ecosystem. We believe in a win-win partnership between a professional recruiter, a reliable employer and an expert candidate, so we strive to get to know our users personally :)
What happens when I respond to one of the vacancies on my own?
The HIRE platform manager will contact you and guide you through the entire hiring process.
A recruiter tried to recommend me for a job without my knowledge - what should I do?
We will block the recruiter for a month, and if this situation happens again, we will take more effective measures.
Can someone send my CV without my permission?
No, our platform will prevent this. You will receive an email every time a recruiter recommends you. Within 24 hours, you can reject the sending and complain to the recruiter if they have not agreed on a particular job with you.
What employers does the platform cooperate with?
Only real, innovative and reliable companies. We take employer verification very seriously.
Do I have to pay for anything?
No, HIRE is a free resource for candidates.
What should I do if I am interested in an employer, but there are no vacancies relevant to my experience?
You can follow the employer's updates by subscribing to their news in your personal account.
What is a high score? How do I get it?
A khairik is a small achievement. We don't have the usual rating in the form of a star rating. Only real merits form the image of everyone. Collect a collection of highs, follow the instructions, get gifts, achieve the highest rating with us. Your reputation is in your hands.
Can my profile be seen by other users of the platform?
No, your registration is anonymous and we respect your privacy.