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Time management
Not just a "headhunter": 12 commandments of a recruiter
Digital generation: how to work effectively with Generation Z

Time management

Time management

We would like to share with you how to increase the efficiency of your time use and find that coveted "Work&Life Balance". How to audit your planning.

It is the audit that will help you find the "bottleneck" and identify reserves for optimization. Oddly enough, when unpleasant and force majeure situations occur (for example, a tap burst), we c...

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Not just a "headhunter": 12 commandments of a recruiter

Not just a "headhunter": 12 commandments of a recruiter

There are many trainings, schools, and seminars for recruiters, but they pay little attention to the rules and regulations in the profession. Meanwhile, even one violation can ruin a reputation. And sometimes it can seriously harm the people involved. Let's try to formulate the important commandments of a recruiter.

  1. Be a consultant to both side...
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Digital generation: how to work effectively with Generation Z

Digital generation: how to work effectively with Generation Z

Representatives of Generation Z are just starting to become active in the labor market. Of course, the development of each personality is influenced by many factors: heredity, upbringing, and environment. I am against labeling: each person is individual and can combine the characteristics of any of the generations. For example, a representative of...

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Gathering recommendations about a candidate: algorithm and pitfalls

Gathering recommendations about a candidate: algorithm and pitfalls

There is a lot of discussion about collecting references for a candidate. Is it necessary or a waste of time? Let's try to understand the article with the help of an expert - Ivanna Bondarchuk, Co-owner and Idea Generator of CleverLand, Creative HR Solutions.

Searching for and selecting personnel for every company is a complex and responsible proc...

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How to interview a prepared candidate with high quality

How to interview a prepared candidate with high quality

Socially desirable answers and how to deal with them?

With the advent of search engines like Google, it has become more difficult to recruit employees. Everyone has the opportunity to prepare for the interview. Talking to the finalists, it seems that all candidates have many achievements, are s...

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